Unexpected places you’d find safety rails

Sometimes, it's clear that you need some kind of safety rail in place where you are. In other cases, things aren't so straightforward. This isn't because the rails wouldn't be a great solution; it's because you might not stop and realise that one is even necessary. We want to talk about some examples of places where this can happen. It can be useful to have a handrail in all of these settings.

Roof hatches

These hatches can be an important access route. However, many people don't think they would need a safety rail. They tend to be closed most of the time, right? However, this is not necessarily the case. Roof hatches actually remain open frequently to permit access back into the structure. This is while there are people working on the roof. What you get is a dangerous fall hazard. Anyone not being careful with where they are walking, especially if there is an obstructed view, can fall into the hatch. Safety rails will help you minimise the danger.


A skylight can be even more dangerous as there is often no visible opening to show you are exposing yourself to a fall hazard. Workers also tend not to have a concept of a skylight dome's weight capacity. They are generally not designed to support the load of a person. Screens don't help most of the time either, and many property owners avoid them because of the cost of thinking they will ruin the aesthetics. So, it can be much better to have a safety handrail. This will protect any people that need to work on the roof.

Roof to roof drops

Rails tend to be thought of for roof edges as part of fall protection systems. When we consider them though, we tend to focus on the building's perimeter. You have to think of the other roof areas with fall hazards as well. Lots of rooftops aren't straightforward elevations from north to south, east to west. When there is an elevation shift, you must take note of where it occurs and decide if you need a railing.

Let's say that there is a change in elevation bigger than 6" for construction work or 4" for maintenance, short of having a parapet of 39" or greater. You are going to need fall protection here. From the moment workers step off the ladder onto the higher roof, they are vulnerable to a fall hazard. So, ensure there are railings.

A dynamic handrail system

At Barrier Mart, we have a multitude of handrail components available. We specialise in the key clamp design, with our inventory including fittings and tubes. You can pick and choose what you need to design the right rails for any setting. In addition, to guarantee quality we manufacture everything in house. We can install everything nationwide as well.

So, if you're interested in working with us, please get in touch or browse our website.