Understanding traffic control zones

We are a company that exists to provide customers with a wide array of barrier merchandise. Our goods assist clients with their traffic control requirements and more. We have years of experience in this industry. In addition, we sell our items for some of the best prices. This all adds up to a service that is nothing short of spectacular.

When to use controls?

There are numerous situations where you will need to control traffic. Road blocks, roadway repairs, construction, and bad weather all come to mind. In high traffic scenarios, there are normally warning signs. You will see these all the way up to the affected area. They ensure and enhance safety.

What you will see is several different traffic control zones. If you are planning to drive through them safely, you must know what they are so you are ready.

Advanced warning area

Firstly, you will find the initial warning signs here. They should be easily visible on all roads so you can make the right manoeuvres.

Transition area.

Next there may be a transition area with barriers, cones, or other markers to direct traffic. They may funnel vehicles into other lanes.

Buffer space

There may also be a buffer of space between the lanes that remain live and the work area. The idea is to ensure that moving vehicles will not be able to come into contact with workers or equipment.

Work area

This is usually the whole reason for the traffic controls. It could be anything from verge construction to drain cleaning or barrier installation.

Termination area

The final zone is when you are leaving the work area. It will safely release traffic to normal conditions.

Do you need traffic control products?

At Barrier Mart we create a range of products you can use to control traffic. This includes barriers, bollards, and more. We also offer speed bumps if you have roads where you need to slow the speed of vehicles.

If you have any questions about our products, please contact us.