Think about your railings to maximise safety

We work in the UK barrier industry, supplying top tier merchandise for various clients. We offer a very broad range, including our selection of handrail products. Our goods will be able to give people the support they need in various locations. They won't make too big of a dent in your wallet either.

Building and installing new handrails might seem like a daunting task for newcomers. However, it is not as overwhelming as you might initially believe. To make things easier, all you need to do is consider a handful of details.

Level surfaces

Prior to getting your hands on the rails, check to see if the surface is level. You may be mounting the railing to the ground. If so, you have to ensure that it is flat and even. The majority of individuals won't have to worry. However, there will be some who have a concrete slab that is beginning to slope. This may be due to it settling into the ground. If the slope is too deep, you may need some specialist equipment to level it.


Ask yourself whether you need to mount to the ground, the wall, or both. Depending on the variety of application you are dealing with, your railing components are going to differ. A railing that is going to be mounted to the wall shall need different fittings than one mounted to the ground. Have a look at your property and decide which options will best suit your needs.


Something else you must do is determine the railing length. This is a task you will want to get right on the first attempt. Otherwise, you may find yourself with a railing that is too long or short. The last thing you want to do is waste money on another order.

Talk to us to find the right handrail products

At Barrier Mart, we are committed to providing everyone with items that suit their requirements. In addition, we have a useful FAQ page on our website. On here, you can find important information relating to our handrail, bollard, and crash barrier products.

If there is anything you would like to ask us, feel free to contact our team.