Using stainless steel handrails in marine settings

There are many reasons why people introduce handrails in marine settings. One of the most important is to increase the amount of safety. When you are on a boat or somewhere with wet floor surfaces, safety is critical. Introducing rails can have a considerable impact, making it easier for people to move around. It can give them a higher level of confidence too. Knowing there is a handrail there to hold onto will make everyone feel more comfortable.

Lots of marine areas in particular would benefit from a stainless steel handrail. Even though the boat is the obvious area, there are other locales you could introduce one too. Swimming pools, aquatic fun parks, sea ports, and dock areas are good examples. Even better, you can have them in your home. Many people have something installed by the shower or bath. The rails are versatile enough to suit all sorts of situations.

The looks

A massive reason why you'd install stainless steel handrails in these areas is that they'd look fantastic. They can add a degree of sophistication to the environment. Once the sun catches on them, they bring in a level of style and class. It tends to be the smallest things that leave the largest impressions on us. Having first class handrails can do this. Anything that helps someone to feel like they've had a wonderful experience can help.


Stainless steel handrails are a good choice for marine settings as the metal resists rust. The level at which it does this depends on the grade and finish. The more you polish it, the less the chance of rust. This is vital if you consider the quantity of water that will be around the handrail. It tends to be highly corrosive too because of the salinity.

Even though it will be corrosion resistant, there is no guarantee your stainless steel installation won't rust in time. If a rail is splashed with water continuously, rust spots could show up. You should be proactive here and clean them as soon as you can; failing to do so will make the issue worse over time.

Talk to us if you need to order a handrail

At Barrier Mart, we have multiple handrail components available to buy so you can choose exactly what you need. We specialise in the key clamp system, which include the tubes and fittings. Having spent more than three decades in the barrier industry, we understand what customers want. By meeting their needs, we've become one of the UK industry's front-runners.

We can give you the equipment you need to keep people safe in various settings, whether it is a handrail, a crash barrier, bollards, or even column protectors. So, if there is anything we can do for you, please get in touch.