Protecting pre-cast concrete walls

Pre-cast concrete is an interesting option for walls and columns in different properties. You can choose them for all kinds of requirements, including load bearing and non-load bearing. They are cost effective and can have impressive longevity. However, you may need column & corner protection to ensure this. We have some excellent products if you need them.


People typically choose pre-cast concrete walls because it offers some undeniable advantages. Firstly, they can be very energy efficient. Pre-casting in a controlled environment means they can be the exact dimensions they need to be. This means minimal waste and effective use of energy and resources. Plus, they are easier to install on site.

The manufacturing with pre-cast concrete also means it is very durable. Typically it will have a lower water content. If you can achieve a very high psi, you can ensure it has more compressive strength. This will mean it is able to deal with high loads. In addition, concrete is fire proof and long lasting.

Pre-cast concrete can also be surprising in terms of aesthetics. You can use different aggregates and pigments to get a unique look in terms of the colour and texture. You can even stamp patterns into concrete or include logos and other details.

Column & corner protection

While pre-cast concrete can be very attractive and cost effective, you do need to think about wear and tear. Over time it can suffer from scratches, gouges, cracks, and dents. This can ruin the aesthetics and potentially lead to premature failure.

One thing you can do with the concrete is patch damages to hide them. You can use an epoxy mortar or cement to do this. However, keep in mind it will be harder to do patching if you have decorative walls or columns; it will be hard to replicate the colour, texture, or pattern.

A better option could be preventing the damage in the first place. This is where column & corner protection comes in. You can apply protective guards to preserve the most vulnerable spots. They will take the brunt of the impacts instead of the surfaces. It will save you from costly repairs and issues like downtime and the inconvenience of noisy work. It will make the concrete last even longer.

Browse our products

Barrier Mart is one of the UK's leading specialists. We work to provide protective products that can help in various settings. For example, we have bollards, crash barriers, and even speed bumps. In addition, we have corner guards, column protectors, and more. We ensure everything is high quality, but keep prices as cost effective as we can.

So, if you want column & corner protection for pre-cast concrete walls or other needs, browse our website or contact us. You can order from us with confidence, and we can even offer installation.