Think about your railings to maximise safety

We work in the UK barrier industry, supplying top tier merchandise for various clients. We offer a very broad range,…

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Protect people from hazardous drops

One of the most dangerous things for pedestrians and drivers is drops. Stepping or driving off the edge could result…

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Understanding traffic control zones

We are a company that exists to provide customers with a wide array of barrier merchandise. Our goods assist clients…

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The facts about column protectors

If you have a commercial or industrial property that is currently lacking protection, then we may have just what you…

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Just how effective are bollards?

While they might not seem like much, bollards can be a beneficial addition to a site. They are incredibly useful…

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Handrails should aid those with mobility issues

Our business is one of the most respectable in the barrier industry. We have a reputation for supplying first class…

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Armco or Open Box – Which crash barrier do you need?

The great thing about a crash barrier is it can provide effective protection in various settings. Most people will think…

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Speed Bump

Speed Bump Regulations

The Importance of Speed Bumps Speed bumps are proven to be an effective traffic control method, reducing collisions and lowering…

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shutterstock 155196410 How to Install a Crash Barrier BarrierMart

How to Install a Crash Barrier

Whether you are fitting an Armco barrier or a crash barrier from any other manufacturer, it’s vital that they are…

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