Four great areas to use bollards

Effective traffic management is vital for safeguarding people, businesses, and public places. You can use a variety of different tools to achieve it, including bollards and barriers. We want to focus on the former today and four areas where you can use them. Then, if you want to order quality products, you can shop with us or get in touch.

Cycle lanes

Councils all across the UK are doing more to encourage cycling. They want more people to cycle to improve their health and reduce the number of vehicles on the road. The latter can ease congestion, improve air quality, and provide numerous other benefits. A popular option here is creating cycle lanes and more infrastructure for cyclists.

While it is great to get more people on two wheels, there are dangers. You will always have a risk of accidents, especially when people are cycling in areas with pedestrians, cars, and other vehicles. A great thing to do is to choose key locations and install a bollard in each. They can restrict access to cycle lanes, preventing crashes and even issues like people parking where they shouldn't.

Shopping centres

There can be a massive number of pedestrians moving around in shopping centres, especially on weekends and around holidays like Christmas. It means a higher risk of accidents, especially when vehicles are in close proximity.

The best solution here is to use bollards. They can ensure vehicles can't get close to pedestrian areas. This reduces the chance of accidents. It can also protect shops, ensuring vehicles can't get close enough to attempt ram raids.

Sports venues

Britain has some of the most passionate fans in the world. Whether it is football, rugby, tennis, cricket, darts, athletics, or niche sports, we have all kinds of fantastic venues. They can get incredibly busy though, especially on game days. This means a higher risk of accidents and sadly even intentional terrorist acts.

Managing traffic effectively here is crucial for safeguarding people. You have a lot of tools to use, but a bollard can be really effective. You can use them at key security points and many other locations. Removable ones are particularly good because they can allow access for vehicles when necessary, say buses for athletes, but prevent it at all other times.


Did you know that the UK has over 160 universities, including some of the best in the world? That means a massive number of students on the various campuses. In fact, in 22/23 there were over 2.94 million. All those people means a high risk of accidents, especially when vehicles are involved.

Once again it is a great idea to see where you can strategically use a bollard or a series of them. It is especially wise for car parks and access roads. You may need them for the busiest areas too, including entrances to campuses.

Finding the perfect bollards

Barrier Mart is one of the very best traffic control specialists in the UK. We have a large selection of products to suit various needs. You can browse our website to view different types of bollard, barriers, speed bumps, wheel stops, and more. We're confident you will be able to find exactly what you need, and can then place an order.

If you can't find what you're looking for on our website, or want advice, you can also contact us. We're happy to give recommendations for bollards and any other product.