Installing bollards on leasehold, residential, and shared spaces

Keeping people safe is what we do. To do it, we supply an extensive list of barrier products and install them effectively. They include the likes of handrails, crash barriers, and bollards. With these in place, people will be able to move around and work in a safe manner. Everyone will have peace of mind, regardless of the setting.

You may be someone who wants to install a driveway bollard to secure your home. Even when it comes to private property, there are regulatory and legal hurdles you must overcome. So, are you able to install them on private land? You are able to, but you need to remain aware of legal permissions. It's the same for compliance problems and UK regulations. Let's look at installing them in leasehold properties, residential land, and shared spaces.


Starting with leaseholds, it's not as straightforward as it is with a freehold. Saying this, it begins with getting the right permissions and approval from the property owner. That is necessary before any work happens. Ensure you read and review your lease agreement terms beforehand. These should have all the right guidelines, and requirements and restrictions for modifying leaseholds. Once you understand all the restrictions, spend time speaking to your landlord or whoever is in charge. Gain written consent from them to install the barriers.

Shared and residential properties

Homeowners are able to install bollards on their parking spaces and driveways to limit access. This is far easier to accomplish on private land. Although, you can do certain things to smooth the whole experience. For one thing, you should verify your property boundaries. It will prevent you from stepping over and installing barriers outside your land.

Apart from this, you should discuss your intentions with the neighbours beforehand. Installation work like this can be noisy. Be a good neighbour and tell them what you are up to so they don't get a nasty surprise.

Lastly, remember that you are unable to install driveway a bollard on publicly accessible roads or pathways, or on public land. For these, you must get consent and the right permissions from local authorities and the council.

A top choice for bollards

At Barrier Mart, we have a lot of bollards available to buy. These include our surface mounted and cast in variants. You can use them to protect your properties and anyone on them.

So, if you'd like to know more, feel free to get in touch with us. You can also browse and buy on our website.