Are soft or hard barriers better for me?

When you are out and about, you will want to feel safe. That is why we install barriers in all kinds of locations. The same goes when you're inside as well, especially at work. There are places here that can cause incidents. That is where solutions like column and corner protection come in. They can keep you safe from crashing into them and hurting yourself. At the same time, they protect these areas from damage.

Corner and column protectors are barrier products. Barriers come in many designs, including solid, and soft and flexible ones. Each has their advantages and disadvantages. To help you choose the correct ones, we are going to reveal some of the factors you must consider. Once we're done, you will have all the details needed to make an informed decision.


With security, the more popular option is the solid barriers. Their structure and size makes them visible and offers superior physical protection. Thanks to their weight, you cannot remove them easily. This makes them effective against anyone or anything that would remove them.

As for impact absorption, soft and flexible barriers come out on top. They can dissipate the force of crashes away from vehicle drivers. Moreover, the flexibility can encapsulate the vehicle.


Externally, solid safety barriers are ones you can install easily and quickly. So, they are perfect for a fast response. Flexible designs typically need more diligent installation. You must consider things like post spacing and height.

However, this situation can flip when you look at column and corner protection. Solid barriers can be harder to install inside properties, generally requiring you to bolt them to the floor. Flexible products can be better, especially protectors that you simply place around corners or columns and then fix them in place.


Solid barriers need minimal maintenance. This is because they can resist everyday wear and tear, and extreme weather conditions. Saying this, they're vulnerable to vehicle damage following impacts.

With flexible and soft barriers, maintenance and repair costs are low after impacts. In areas with extreme environmental conditions, they can be more vulnerable to harm.

What kind of column and corner protection do you need?

At Barrier Mart, we manufacture all our merchandise in house. This ensures quality with everything. Thanks to our years of experience, you can rely on us to meet all your needs. We also have some fantastic prices and can even arrange installation.

So, if you're in the market for column and corner projection, please let us know. Or, you can browse our website to learn more about some of our products and order.