Think about impact protection with bollards

It would be a mistake to automatically assume that all types of bollards can offer the same level of impact protection. In fact, the level can vary greatly depending on a number of factors. You need to consider this, especially if you need them to offer protection against vehicle ingress.

Low impact models

Most bollards are actually this type. While they can offer some protection against slow speed impacts, a heavy or high speed one would knock them over. Most surface mounted models will only offer this low impact protection. That is because they don't have the extensive foundations that other models do. Telescopic and foldable models are similar for the same reason.

Flexible bollards are some of the most interesting options here. They bend when struck but can bounce back with no damage. This is useful for applications such as lane delimiters and visual guides. Here a vehicle could run into one with no damage to it or the bollard itself.

High impact models

The most secure bollards are cast deep into the ground. This gives them a great deal of strength, stability, and rigidity. What they do is work to stop vehicles at all costs, even heavy ones travelling at higher speeds.

High impact resistant bollards tend to have larger diameters so they can effectively absorb impact energy. They can also often have decorative aesthetic covers to fit a site.

What do you need?

The level of impact resistance people need can vary. For example in some cases the bollards are just decorative and don't need to be able to stop a vehicle. However, others are vital pieces of the security infrastructure. They have to prevent vehicle ingress at all costs. Here they need as much resistance as possible to withstand both out of control vehicles and intentional attempts to bypass them.

Talk to us about bollards

At Barrier Mart we have a great range of products, including square and round bollard options in different sizes and finishes. We are confident we can cater for a whole host of needs thanks to them. They can offer different levels of impact resistance to suit various applications.

You can find out more about our bollards on our website. If you find what you need, you can order there too. But, if you need help deciding or have a specific request, please contact us.