Helping to make car parks safer

Car parks are essential, whether it is at a busy workplace or an out of town shopping centre. However, they can be surprisingly dangerous. In many cases they are poorly lit and quite compact. When you consider that vehicles and pedestrians will be moving around closely together, you can see how there can be accidents. Luckily putting a crash barrier in the right locations can help.

Why install the barriers?

A barrier is very visible, especially when it has a reflective coating. As a result, they can effectively show where vehicles can't go. This can protect pedestrian routes. In addition, they are physical barriers that mean a vehicle cannot collide with a person on foot; they would have to be travelling at enough speed to get through the barrier first.

Some car parks have several storeys and are largely open inside. Therefore, there are plenty of dangerous drops that a vehicle could fall off. They could be along the outer and inner edges of each storey. In addition, they could be along the side of ramps leading up and down the structure. Again barriers can be very useful here, marking the boundaries and preventing cars from travelling on and falling.

How to choose the right crash barrier

Before you actually purchase barriers you should do a full risk assessment of the car park. This will give you a better idea of the spaces and the hazards. You can then use this information to choose suitable products.

When you come to choosing the type of barrier, you need to consider things like the length, height, posts, corners, and finishing. It is also essential to think about end protection. You need to ensure that the end of each barrier will be safe.

Talk to us

Barrier Mart works hard to ensure we can offer the safest products for various settings. We know how good all of these items can be, whether it is barriers, corner guards, bollards, or any other option we offer. Our knowledge and experience means we can guide our clients to ensure they make the right choices.

So, if you have a car park that lacks protection, talk to us. We can suggest the right type of crash barrier and other solutions that can help improve safety. Then, when you are happy, you can order products online with just a few clicks.