Are speed bumps effective?

There are a lot of different traffic control measures in the UK. One that most people tend to dislike is speed bumps. There are concerns about them damaging vehicles and causing more pollution by forcing drivers to brake. Some people think they don't even work. As a top supplier, we want to take a closer look at them so we can see whether they are the right option for a variety of settings.

How do they work?

The idea is a speed bump will force a driver to slow down so they can carefully drive over it. This can be important on roads in busy towns and cities. It can improve safety for pedestrians and reduce the risk of accidents.


Surprisingly there are several different types of speed bump. The most common one is a standard strip that is less than 100mm in height. They are easy to identify because they usually have a cover of rubber or plastic. You can find them in many residential areas, on private roads, and in car parks.

Speed humps are an alternative to the standard bumps. The difference here is they look like a feature of the road. In most cases they will have a covering of tarmac. They tend to be shorter than bumps but are also common in residential areas.

One option you may see is speed cushions. They are quite unique because they are split into parts, usually two or three sections. The idea is that the height and placement can slow traffic but allow emergency vehicles to pass easily when they need to.

A final option is speed tables. They are longer than the other options and have a flat top that can extend a good distance. These are most common at junctions and crossings.

Effective traffic control

Each type of speed bump can be effective in different settings. The crucial thing is to consider the area and choose the right option. It is also a good idea to think about the potential impacts on other routes if you install bumps. You don't want to cause jams elsewhere with people looking to avoid the bumps.

At Barrier Mart we have a lot of experience with different kinds of traffic control. Our goal is to help clients keep their sites safer. One way to do this is to use speed humps so they have to slow down. We can supply products for domestic and commercial use.

If you have any questions or want to order products, please contact us.