The components and maintenance needs of Armco barriers

We're a team dedicated to supplying customers with the leading safety products. These exist in multiple forms. For example, our range of crash barrier goods keep drivers and pedestrians from suffering serious harm. They are the perfect installations to use if roads, car parks, and buildings need more protection.

The Armco barrier is one of the most popular styles of crash barriers currently in use. These are robust metal solutions that keep pedestrians and drivers safe from accidents. They are created using top tier steel. You can use them along bridges, roads, and in car parks to stop collisions and crashes. What we want to discuss is the individual parts that make them up, as well as how you can maintain them effectively.


Firstly, we have the barrier beams. These are the main components of the system. What we have here are horizontal rails made using galvanised steel. They attach together to produce a continuous barrier.

The ends

Next, we have the ends. Armco ends are specialist components you install at the start and end of a barrier system. They absorb and dissipate energy in collisions. This lowers the danger and severity of impacts. It is essential they are a safe design so there is minimal risk of issues such as spearing vehicles.


Then there are the crash barrier posts. These support the beams and offer the system stability. Normally, they are spaced at regular intervals to guarantee proper structural integrity and alignment. They also need to be the right height.


Lastly, there is the hardware. Numerous components, like washers, bolts, and nuts assemble and secure the system. You need them to preserve the barrier's structural integrity and effectiveness in the event of a crash.


To ensure the longevity and efficiency of Armco barriers, you need to maintain them properly. This includes the standard regular inspections, repairs and replacements, and cleaning. But there are other parts to this too.

One crucial thing you need to do is handling vegetation and debris. Remove any around the barrier to guarantee visibility. This will work to keep the barrier efficient during a collision.

Another important thing is documentation. Keep records of when you inspect the barriers, and when repairs and maintenance happen. By doing these minimal maintenance jobs, you can keep your Armco barriers in optimal condition. As a result, they will protect everyone for years to come.

Talk to us if you need a crash barrier

At Barrier Mart, we have several barrier products available. If you want Armco specifically, we have rails, ends, corners, and more. Aside from them, you can buy our open box beam design rails and accessories. We even have a range of barrier posts for different needs. So, we're certain there will be something that meets your specifications.

Our goal is to ensure clients can create the perfect crash barrier for any situation. Therefore, if we can be of any help to you, please get in touch. We'd be happy to share our knowledge too.